Tuesday, January 24, 2006

prayer within our beloved blog

Dear Everyone,

I have not written much lately on our beloved blog… I wanted to say that I still really appreciate it though… and love that I can pray for people because of it… to rejoice that Jonah is getting better, to pray for the twins-within-Deanna, and to pray for those who have experienced heartache, it is all such an honour….

and... (speaking of prayer requests)... I am starting my job search (found out today that I will be done my classes August 11 2006)... I hope to get a library job in Ottawa... and a lot of these jobs take a while to get... the first one I am applying to is due next week, on the first! Please pray for me... and I am always honoured to pray for you...

Thank You...


Dan said...

I'll be praying!

Mr. P said...

me too...

Matthew Francis said...

Elizabeth, St. Xenia, who's feast day is today, has very powerful prayers when it comes to work/career matters...

You might want to ask for her intercession, and, of course, be assured of ours!

Gabe said...

we will pray unto the Lord!

elizabeth said...

thanks everyone; and yes, i know it was St. Xenia's day... i get to have her day twice, as my church is on the 'old' calander... and yes, i do ask her for this, daily... i love her so much! to me she is Mother Xenia...

thanks again... i have been really exhausted lately and the idea of trying to even find the time to work on the application is a bit overwhelming...