Monday, November 14, 2005

David B Hart

So, I just received a book in the mail, Stacy sent it to me because she thought it would be relevant to my thesis. I think that it will probably be relevant to just about all of my existence. I have only looked briefly at it, but it was shocking and overwhelming to just read the chapters and subchapter headings. I am so excited, but in the meantime, check out this link. This guy is amazing. He is an orthodox theologian, and he is praised in First Things as promising to become one of the most influential theologians in the world. I believe it.


Stacy said...

I wouldn't steer you wrong!

That book your link references is really great,too. It's MUCH shorter and not nearly so ultra-heady (but still heady, have no doubt), but still well worth the time.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I really need to finish my article on the refutal of the Ying and Yang theory-- it interprets the nature of evil in a very St. Augustine, Neo-Platonic manner... Only I go futher than either St. Augustine or the Neo-Platonic philosophers-- either I'm an idiot and or hold some heretical ideas (which is why I need to finish the article and get some Orthodox opinions!!!).

Either way, thats a great article! I'd love to read the book...

Peace out,

Matthew Francis said...

Is that "The Beauty of the Infinite" your talking about? I've not heard of him, but he sounds amazing and that article is, unassailably.

Mr. P said...

yup, the beauty of the infinite, SO excited for it. I read a review in First Things, and they spoke unequivocally highly of it.