Sunday, February 19, 2006

The twins @ two weeks

Hi y'all, sorry we haven't been to church lately, but there were a couple of births two weeks ago that you might have heard about, and then last week I was pretty sick (so sick I didn't visit the twins for a couple days, lest I infect them), and this week ... um, this week I had some work to catch up on. (Still do, in fact.) That's probably the lamest of the three reasons, but what can I say, it's true.

Nothing much new to report here, except that Elizabeth and Thomas are still in the special-care ward at St. Paul's Hospital and will probably be there for another week, or however long it takes for them to learn how to "eat". (If they were still in the womb, they would be a few days past 35 weeks right now, so this is about the time they would be learning how to suck.) They're still being fed through nose-tubes for the most part, though tonight I got each of them to almost finish a small bottle; the trick is to get them to the point where Deanna can nurse them both properly.

As you can see from the photo, I'm finally getting around to learning the skills that I will need to look after these tykes at home; until now, it has been far, far too convenient to just let the hospital take care of this stuff for us. (One could almost say the babies have been "pampered", except I don't think I've seen that brand there. It was also nice to know that Deanna and I didn't have to even think about finding a babysitter when we went out for our first wedding anniversary last Monday...) Deanna took this picture of me giving Thomas a bath yesterday, and I have to say I was startled when I saw it -- I'm a giant next to him! Every time he sees me, he must be in absolute terror!

I kid, of course. He actually sleeps very peacefully when I hold him. So much sleeping. I envy these babies.


Matthew Francis said...

That is a great picture, Peter!

elizabeth said...

thanks for the update! prayers for you and deanna as all the priorites/life things are reshuffled by babies! :)