Friday, April 13, 2012

PASCHAL GREETINGS draft list-- please chime in!

We want to use multiple languages for the Paschal Greeting after Paschal vespers on Sunday.  There are many lists available online, but we want to stick to those that are going to get a strong response in our own congregation.

 If you don't see your ancestral language here, please  let me know the form of the greeting you know or are able to find, and be prepared to chime in strongly with the response when Fr. Lawrence reads the exclamation. If yours is a less common language, you might want to recruit a few other members to study up ahead of time and shout out along with you. 

I've put in the most common ones for our community here to start with:

English:   Christ is risen!  Indeed He is risen!

Greek:  Christos anesti! Alithos anesti!

Russian/Slavonic:  Khristos voskrese!  Voistinu voskrese!

Ukrainian: Khristos voskres! Voistinu voskres! (note Ukrainian is only slightly different from Russian/Slavonic but it's important in Canada & our parish to acknowledge both!  :-)  

Romanian:  Hristos a inviat!   Adeverat a inviat!

French:   Le Christ est ressuscite!  En verite il est ressuscite! 

German:  Christus ist auferstanden! Wahrlich ist er auferstanden! Kai & Theresia is this the version you know? 

Spanish:  Cristo ha resucitado! En verdad ha resucitado! Sava, is that correct? 

Arabic: Al Masiah Qam! Hakkan Qam! I don't think we have any Arabic speakers?  but they constitute a large group we have connections with in North America. It's easy, I know many of us know this one already. 

Aleut:   Khristus anahgrecum!  Alhecum anahgrecum!
 in honour of St. Herman, but there are several versions online and they are all 'Greek' to me :-)

Mandarin: Jidu fuhuo le!  ta queshi fuhuo le! (thanks Desmond,shout it out loud and the rest of us will do our best not to massacre it! 

Cambodian: Tanya, what Father gave me is only one part, do you have the rest and does it match this one:    Preah Christ mean preah choan rous leong vinh ; trung mean preah choan rous leong vinh men (and BTW, what about Aaron's ancestral language?)

F/Pilipino: Si Kristo ay nabuhay ; totoo ngang nabuhay!  Erin, Graham, is this what you would want to say? 

Haida: Victoria, did you find this one out?

Finnish:  Kristus nousi kuolleista! Totistesti nousi! (David P we're counting on you!)

Gaelic: All you Scots/Irish descended folks, are you prepared to belt this one out? Or are you going to insist on separate Scots and Irish versions? 
Taw creest ereen!  Taw shay ereen guhdyne! 

Welsh: ditto Welsh-descended?  I am one of those, but I will have to keep the paper in front of me
Atgyfododd Crist!  Atgyfododd yn wir! 

Anglo-Saxon, properly called Old English: due to my St. Cuthbert obsession, I am up for this one and  it is actually very easy:  Christ aras! Sothlice He aras!

Ethiopian or ? Asmaite G will you be with us, and what is your ancestral tongue? 

For those who are interested,  here's a site which gives about 250 versions, with sound files and more: 

(and NO we will not be using Klingon, Quenya or Sindarin!)

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