Kailen was born two weeks ago, and had an operation on his heart right away. He will need to have one or two more heart operations to switch some arteries and do some special things to his aorta, once he is a little stronger. He will be eating through a feeding tube until after his operations to conserve his energy. He has been on and off the ventilator since he was born.
Scott and Kerry would appreciate our prayers so much. The hospital has said it would be good for Kaelen to be at home now for a few weeks, and so his parents are learning about all the special skills they will need to take good care of him. I told them I would pray and also ask for your prayers too.
I will pray Kimberley.
yes, our prayers will be added to the throng of those pleading for his health. God grant his parents strength.
what a beautiful boy they have.
yeah, he looks alot his mom. he's sure blessed to be born in the same city as BC Children's. If he were born in Africa, or even in rural Canada, his story would likely be a different one.
i always feel really honored to get to meet little kids who have had to struggle.
thanks alot for your prayers girls, for Kailen. keep me in there too would you, please? i'm kinda feelin like i'm in the deep end, right now. ;)
he looks a lot like gabe, if you think about it.
truly, many babies look a lot like gabe:)
I just had an update from Kailen's mom today that they've had a few days of normal life at home. Tuesday will be the day for open heart surgury for the little guy. God willing, 2-3 weeks of recovery in ICU and then he will be out of the woods.
Thank you for continuing to keep Kailen and his folks, Scott and Kerry in your prayers. They are really grateful for God's grace and daily strength.
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