Here are the September events from the newsletter-- hard copy available at church this weekend. Also, don't forget to update your info in the draft copy of the directory in the narthex.
Wed. Sept 8 7 pm. Nativity of the Theotokos
Vesperal Liturgy Fish allowed at meal after
Sun. Sept. 12 9:30 am Greeting of Bishop
10:00 am Hierarchical Liturgy
Tues. Sept. 14 7 pm Vesperal Liturgy & Lenten Meal
Fri. Sept. 17 7 pm Farewell for Christie G at Gascoignes’
Fasting this month
Regular Wed & Fri fasts: NO meat, fish, dairy or eggs
Wed. Sept. 8th Nativity of the Theotokos Fish permitted
Fri. Sept. 24th Holy New Martyrs of Alaska fish permitted.
*NB Tues. Sept. 14th Holy Cross Day is a strictly Lenten fast. Please remember to bring NO meat, fish, dairy or eggs to the post-liturgy meal that evening.
A visit from our Archpastor
Sunday Sept.12th 10 AM
Hierarchical Liturgy served by
Archbishop Seraphim
Please arrive EARLY so that we may greet our Vladyka
First meeting of the New Church Year will be at the Halls’ in Langley on Fri. Sept. 24th 7 pm.
The traditional Pumpkin Patch outing will take place on Sun. Oct. 24th.
A Winter Youth Retreat is being planned for February. More info coming!
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