Saturday, May 05, 2012

Uncle Wayne wants YOU for the cleanup crew!

Actually, we have four teams in the crew, one for each Sunday of the month....and we need more team members!

We are a growing community, and that means the job of cleanup after Sunday lunch is also growing. You can help by:

  • Signing up to be part of a team for just ONE Sunday a month
  • Remembering to do your part on that Sunday
  • Getting your own substitute if you must be away that Sunday (especially important to remember now as vacation season is almost upon us)
  • Even if you do not join a team, clearing your own dishes & 
  • teaching your kids to clear their own dishes and not to litter 
In addition to the four teams, if a month has a fifth Sunday or if there is a weekday evening liturgy, we ask that EVERYBODY present pitch in and clean up, working till everything is done. You will find a checklist posted in the scullery room for items that need to be done before the church is closed up.

A big THANK YOU to everyone who has served in this way in our parish, past and present. If you have not yet made a contribution in this area, do consider signing up; if for any reason you cannot commit to a specific Sunday, try to remember to pitch in, in whatever small way you are able when you find the opportunity. Every little bit helps! 

To join a team, pleas see Wayne H. 

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