Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Hey look, I'm on Spruce Island!

This is neat. Hi folks! I know this sounds a little sad, but I figured it can't really hurt. I'm hoping to move back to Langley from Burnaby this September, so I thought I'd send out a shout: if there's anybody who happens to know of a two-bedroom home for rent at a fairly low price in Langley or east Surrey, or of a good job opening in town, please let me know! My lovely roommate-to-be and I are on the prowl. (Well, only I am on the prowl for a job. She has a job. We're on the prowl for a home.)

Many thanks!


RW said...

what kind of job are you looking for?

Erin said...

Customer service, in whatever capacity.

Paul said...

Hey Erin, did you know Gabe's sister Mary is also looking for a roommate? She's moving end of August and staying temporarily with her aunt in Abby. Maybe you'll come across a 3-bedroom place and be looking for a third... you can keep her in mind!

Erin said...

Actually, we've found a place! And it is only a two-bedroom I'm afraid.