Sunday, April 15, 2007

A visitor

Roseanna I. & her almost-two-year-old Lizzy are hoping to come visit the area around the last week of May and first week of June. She'll be spending part of the time at her aunt's in Langley, but would also like to stay some of the time with folks in the parish. Our newer members won't remember, but Roseanna is from an OCA clergy family and she spent some time in this parish a number of years ago (I don't recall the exact number-- time flies!

If you can provide accommodation for any part of the dates around Sat. May 26 to Fri. May 8th, let me know and I can put you in touch with her.


Magdalen said...

Rose is visiting?? Woo hoo! Wow it's been ages!

kimberley francis said...

i'd like to host Rose. My brother and Krista babysit Lizzy sometimes. Feel free to give her my number or to arrange a post Liturgy night or two at my place.
