Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Procession of Icons

We venerate your holy icon, loving Lord, asking you to pardon our transgressions, Christ our God.  For you of your own will was pleased in the flesh to ascend upon the Cross, so to deliver from the bondage of the enemy those whom you have fashioned.  Therefore in thanksgiving we cry aloud to you: you have filled all things with joy, our Saviour, having come to save the world!
- Troparion, Divine Liturgy of Sunday of Orthodoxy

A feast of joy and gladness is revealed to us today! For the teachings of the true faith shine forth in all their glory, and the Church of Christ is bright with splendor, adorned with the holy icons which now have been restored; and God has granted to the faithful unity of mind. 
- Orthros, Sunday of Orthodoxy

1 comment:

RW said...

I knew this was you! So awesome you were there. My mind is full. Can we meet soon? Even for coffee ? Can I chauffeur you somewhere sometime?