Monday, June 03, 2013

URGENT appeal for Camp volunteers

Note from Muryn re: the BC Deanery Camp:

When the camp cancellation letter went out, there were a number of responses including a plea to rally together and make it work this year. The board met with a number of priests and other individuals to come up with a plan. Father Justin, camp priest, laid out the requirements for camp to move forward:

1. We must have all staffing positions applied for and 

approved and with criminal record checks in progress 

by Sunday, June 9th. 

If we don't, camp will not proceed. 

Here's what we need:
- Cook and kitchen staff (4 people)
- Counselors (age 20+: 8-10 people)
- Junior counselors (age 17-19: 4-6 people)
- Lifeguard (1 person)
- Nurse/first aid (1 person)
- Workshop leaders (2-3 people)

2. We need
at least forty campers signed up for camp - or equivalent donations received for any less than that - 

by Sunday, June 16th or camp will not be able to go forward.

We know these deadlines are tight - and the number of people still needed is challenging - but with all the good-will and those who are already stepping forward, we think it is still possible to go ahead with camp and to run it safely and responsibly... if all the above requirements (deadlines and numbers) are met.

So, if any of you feel you can help fulfill Part 1, or know someone who can, please let us know ASAP!

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