Saturday, February 26, 2011


The March Calendar is now available at church (after being sick this week, I have yet to catch up with the online calendar-- that will be done soon.)

Also at church you can find the 2011 sheet of Lenten Fasting Rules. One item was left out, as it hadn't yet been scheduled-- a new item this year, a communion fast from noon for the Holy Thursday liturgy, which will be an evening liturgy held before the service of the Twelve Gospels, with a brief supper in between. That's not till April, of course, so more about that next month.

Meanwhile, tomorrow is the last meat day. So clear out the hot dogs and chicken;  and after Sunday prepare to enjoy your pancakes, fish, veggie omelettes  and cheese pizza this week!

A week from tomorrow, on Sunday March 6th, we will have Forgiveness Vespers after lunch (where we may eat all foods EXCEPT for meat). The church membership has increased a lot, so if you are very ascetic you can just let it hit you like a ton of bricks. But if not,  you might want to do a little, um, training in the week leading up to it.....

One additional note: Abbotsford Dinner & Study at Sava's this week only will be on TUESDAY March 1st. at 6 pm. I believe it's pot luck? Anything but meat.

ps. I couldn't take the rain anymore, so I changed the Spruce Island template. :-) If any of you photo-savvy folks would like to try customizing it with a more relevant background image, please give it a whirl!

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