Saturday, January 02, 2010

Theophany Services–Revised Schedule

Theophany Services–Revised Schedule

  • Wednesday January 6, 7.00 pm Vesperal Liturgy at for Theophany, with the Great Blessing of Water. Bring your bottles to that service to get your annual supply of Holy Water.
  • Sunday January 10, about 1.30 pm **NOT the Saturday, as previously announced), weather permitting, Blessing of the Fraser River with Holy Nativity Church from Ft. Langley. Meet at Derby Reach Park.

Once again, important to note: CHANGE of date & time for the Fraser River Blessing. Sorry for any inconvenience-- we hope you can all join us. Bring your brollies and puddlejumpers-- we will only cancel if the weather is truly unmanageable!

it is now time to schedule your annual HOUSE BLESSING with Fr. Lawrence! Please do not delay-- Lent comes early this year, and house blessings should be complete by then!

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