Monday, December 07, 2009

Women's Quiet Day coming up this Sat. Dec 12th!

Saturday, 12 December 2009
11:00 - 17:00
Theresia L's house on the mountain

Beginning with an akathist, then a day of sitting about the fire, chatting, knitting, taking a walk outside.

An oasis of relaxation and feminine fellowship in the middle of the pre-Christmas rush.

Leave the kids with dad to catch up on their Christmas shopping!

The day will linger till time to leave for vespers or thereabouts.

Bring some Advent-friendly food to share (fish is allowed).

Write on the wall of the Facebook Event or comment on Spruce Island if you want to car pool with others in your area.

-- reposted as a reminder--MatD.


biss said...

anyone driving out from winnipeg?

biss said...

anyone driving out from winnipeg?