Sunday, January 20, 2008

caption contest!!

R: Give me that creme. You must relinquish it.

Fr. D.K.: No, I will take the creme and consume it now, while I can. LENT is coming so soon.

T: Hey, Guys. What do you have going on over there? Can I have some?

(click here for the rest)


RW said...

that is absolutely hilarious!

R: Give me that creme. You must relinquish it.

Fr. D.K.: No, I will take the creme and consume it now, while I can. LENT is coming so soon.

T: Hey, Guys. What do you have going on over there? Can I have some?

Kassianni said...

I am laughing so hard! :):):)

luke said...

R: I'll take that, thanks for holding it for me.

D.K: I believe you are mistaken, with your 'who this belongs to' perception.

T: I left that right there.. yep..right there.

Donna Farley said...

Fr. Dn. K: I would give you the cream. Except then I'm sure your husband would start asking questions about it.

T.: Yeah, what is the best before date on that cream anyway?