Just a little visual update on how our pregancy is going... Thanks to everyone for all your prayers!
And congratulations to Fr Justin and Mat. Sarah on the baptism of their exquisite little Jensina, and love to Rhiannon and Greg who must be roughly at the same stage as we are (perhaps a little farther along?)
With love and prayers to our St Herman's family,
Cheryl+Matthew (+ the Kumquat)
how exciting! such a cute little kumquat.
It's amazing to see them so formed when they aren't even done cooking yet, eh? I love ultrasounds!
Wow! Look how big the kumquat is now! Ah, it seems just yesterday he was only the size of a raspberry...
You're all three of you in our prayers, and you're very much missed. Hugs!
You should see how beautiful Cheryl looks too. Her tummy is SO wonderful.
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