Monday, April 25, 2011

Tiffany's shower info reposted to the top-- this coming Sunday!

Let the Showers Begin!

Ladies of St. Herman's and affiliates, hear ye, hear ye!
Pull out your calendars and mark the date: We have planned a Bridal Shower for Tiffany Wolters and would like to invite you to come and celebrate!

(click picture to embiggen)

Questions?  Feel free to email Macrina Hall or Sofia (aka Kristy) Duran for more info.

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Monday, April 18, 2011


 These are also listed in the Google calendar in the sidebar. 

Unless otherwise noted, 
Mon- Fri evening services begin at 7PM

** special note: NEW this year 5PM Holy Thursday Vesperal Liturgy   

There will only be a SHORT meal break between this liturgy and the Gospel Service at 7 pm, so please: 
  • fast from noon before receiving communion 
  • bring ONLY food that is READY TO EAT and requires no cleanup-- such as peanut butter sandwiches 
We will endeavour to keep this meal quiet and reflective, by listening in silence to readings as we eat. 

Mon. Apr. 18
7 pm Bridegroom Matins
Tues. Apr. 19
7 pm Bridegroom Matins
Wed. Apr. 20
7 pm PreSanc Lit. & meal
Thurs. Apr. 21* note Liturgy new this year
**5:00 pm St. Basil Lit & meal
       7 pm 12 Gospels
Fri. Apr. 22
7 pm Shroud Veneration &
Overnight Vigil
Sat. Apr. 23

9 AM St. Basil Liturgy   

10 PM Baptism

Sun. Apr. 24

 NO morning service
4 pm Paschal Vespers
         & parish BBQ

Sun. 9:30 Matins & Liturgy
Palm Sunday
Fish allowed
Mon. Apr. 18
Bridegroom Matins
Tues. Apr. 19
Bridegroom Matins
Wed. Apr. 20
PreSanct. Liturgy & meal
Thurs. Apr. 21* note Liturgy new this year
**5:00 pm St. Basil Lit & meal
       7 pm 12 Gospels
Fri. Apr. 22
Shroud Veneration &
Overnight Vigil
Sat. Apr. 23

9 AM St. Basil Liturgy   

10 PM Baptism

Sun. Apr. 24

NO morning service
4 pm Paschal Vespers
         & parish BBQ

Sun. 9:30 Matins & Liturgy
Palm Sunday
Fish allowed
Mon. Apr. 18
Bridegroom Matins
Tues. Apr. 19
Bridegroom Matins
Wed. Apr. 20
PreSanct. Liturgy & meal
Thurs. Apr. 21* note Liturgy new this year
**5:00 pm St. Basil Lit & meal
       7 pm 12 Gospels
Fri. Apr. 22
Shroud Veneration &
Overnight Vigil
Sat. Apr. 23

9 AM St. Basil Liturgy   

10 PM Baptism

Sun. Apr. 24

NO morning service
4 pm Paschal Vespers
         & parish BBQ
Sun. 9:30 Matins & Liturgy
Palm Sunday
Fish allowed
Mon. Apr. 18
Bridegroom Matins
Tues. Apr. 19
Bridegroom Matins
Wed. Apr. 20
PreSanct. Liturgy & meal
Thurs. Apr. 21* note Liturgy new this year
**5:00 pm St. Basil Lit & meal
       7 pm 12 Gospels
Fri. Apr. 22
Shroud Veneration &
Overnight Vigil
Sat. Apr. 23

9 AM St. Basil Liturgy   

10 PM Baptism

Sun. Apr. 24

NO morning service
4 pm Paschal Vespers
         & parish BBQ